Weekly Nerdy Trivia!
Tuesday March 25th
Every Tuesday
Join us for our Weekly Nerdy Trivia!
Answer 50 questions better than your fellow nerds for a chance to win a gift card prize for Thane's Table and other local game stores - Game Heroes and Black & Read!
Costumes are always welcome and always encouraged!
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
Magic The Gathering: Commander Night!
Wednesday March 26th
Every Wednesday
Join us for our weekly MTG: Commander Night!
04:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Join Thane's Tavern - a D&D Podcast!
Sunday April 6th
Sundays every 2 weeks
Welcome Traveler! Always wanted to showcase that natural 20 throwing talent you have? This is your opportunity to join a locally hosted D&D podcast!Check out more details through our social media or ask the barkeep, at your local gaming tavern!
12:00 PM - 04:00 PM
National Martini Day
Thursday June 19th
In case you needed an excuse, join us for National Martini Day June 19th!